Research, training, projects development since 2004

Anziani e Non Solo is a NGO working since 2004 in the field of social innovation, with a specific focus on management of projects and realization of services and products in the field of welfare and social inclusion.

The activities carried out by Anziani e Non Solo concern:

  • Active ageing, intergenerational activities and support to frail and dependent elderly
  • Training and support to family carers, informal and formal carers
  •  Prevention of gender based violence, elder abuse and discrimination
  • Fight against poverty, support to employability and to social inclusion of disadvantaged groups
  •    Support and empowerment of disadvantaged young persons: skills development, social inclusion and school to work transition 

Our competences

Social project management
Social research
Pilot projects in the social field
Training and e-learning
Validation of informally acquired skills
Services for information, counselling and matching between job offer and demand in the care field
Development of web sites and software packages for workers of social offices and employment services

Our network

Within its activities, ANS has promoted several projects at local, National and European level and, among its clients, there are: local and regional administrations, foundations, NGOs, trade unions, job centers, social cooperatives.
Anziani e Non Solo employs a staff of 10 with relevant experience in the areas of intervention and is:
- Registered as a social research institution
- Member of the Italian Antidiscrimination Network
- Member of the Italian Inventory of Organizations Working with Migrants
- Member of Eurocarers – European Network of Carers Organizations
- Member of AGE Platform Europe
- Member of INPEA - International
Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse

Moreover ANS is

– Registered as a recruitment agency at the Italian Ministry of Labour
– Registered as a lifelong and continuous learning provider in Sardinia Region
– A Rickter Scale® associates and authorized training provider
– Registered as a training provider at the Italian National Board of Social Workers